Distribution and Use of Mammography Units in Greece

Spilios Zisimopoulos, Aris Dermitzakis, Nicolas Pallikarakis


Purpose: Mammography is the best screening practice for early diagnosis of breast cancer, which remains the leading cause of cancer death for women below seventy years of age. The availability of mammographic units (MUs) that can be easily accessed by the female population is very important for the early diagnosis of breast cancer. In this study, the distribution and use of MUs is investigated to provide an overall image of the implementation of this technology in Greece.

Materials and Methods: The relevant information and data collected in the present work are based on cross-referenced sources like OECD, WHO and EEAEA. A comparison is performed between 2021 and 2017 on the per population number of MUs installed, analyzed per administrative region, technology and public/private sector. The Lorenz curves and Gini coefficient metric were employed to assess the inter-regional equity of the MUs distribution.

Results: Greece has one of the highest numbers of MUs per population, well above the European average. However, the use rate remains unknown. Coverage is still lacking in some Aegean Sea islands, although the inequity observed in the distribution of MUs installed is low. The private sector is dominant representing 82% of the total 732 MUs installed. Moreover, 43% of the total units installed are using the outdated technologies of film and CR imaging. Nevertheless, the replacement of older equipment and a shift to more modern technologies is a recurring pattern in the last years and can lead to better cancer diagnosis.

Conclusions: Strategic planning of investments in new technologies and medical equipment distribution is a significant factor for reducing inequity and making healthcare technologies more accessible to the public.


Mammography units; Medical equipment distribution; Lorenz curves; Gini coefficient

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.36162/hjr.v6i4.455


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